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Glass Buildings
Project Management
Each project, however small, is designed, detailed and built to the highest possible standards. The best designed and constructed buildings will always be readily in the market more than other less well-designed buildings. All our buildings are designed to be aesthetically pleasing, enjoyable to use, economical and capable of adaptation and extension.

The design team pays particular attention to the economies of construction at both design and contract drawing stages. During construction, variations and fluctuations are carefully monitored and client approval is sought before contract sums are increased. Financial appraisals, including reviews of originally projected income figures, are carried out at regular intervals during construction, and finances are adjusted accordingly. Teams of consultants are carefully selected, based on their project. Working carefully with the client and the consultants, suitable structural, finishing and services, systems are selected for each immediate suitability to undertake a certain item, as we are always testing the availability and economy of materials and services within the market place.

Project Management correspondence and documentation are aimed at giving our clients highly Professional service, which records and documents every single contract matter in clear legal contract terminology. Great care is always taken to understand building contracts carefully in every detail and all contractual correspondence is kept up to date on a on a daily basis. We believe we are one of the most professional Architectural firms in East Africa and are constantly striving to produce quality buildings on time and on budget.


BeglinWoods Offices 

82 Miotoni Road,


P. O. Box 22759 – 00400, Nairobi


Phone: +254 204 449 146, +254 204 449 147, +254 204 449 148

Fax: +254 204 449 149

Mobile: +254 734 623 855, + 254 722 201 185




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